Havanese have short legs, with a strong and sturdy bodies. They have profuse coats that are silky, with a pearly sheen. Havanese love life and we could not imagine ours without a little Cuban spice in the home.
They are excellent companion with expressive eyes and a cuddly size. This breed has earned the nickname “Velcro dog” because they sticks so closely to his owner’s side.
Miss Nomer Petite Joie
Is a chocolate Irish Pied AKC & CKC registered 100% Havanese. Born September 2018, she has been DNA tested through Embark and is clear of any known genetic problem. She has beautiful brown eyes.
Miss Troll Petite Joie
is a Havanese, born July 12, 2021, she is AKC and CKC registered. Weighting in at 12 pounds, she loves to play and cuddle. She is a fun loving clown who keeps us laughing.
​Miss Troll has been DNA tested through Wisdom Panel, she is a pure Havanese with no known genetic health problems.
Winkie’s Whiskey Sour
Whiskey is a 10 lb CKC registered DNA tested 100% Havanese she is my most independent Havanese still loves to cuddle but is okay not being the center of attention. She was born April 25th 2020. Whiskey lives with Kelly.
Vivacious Vesta
Vesta is a 9 lb CKC registered DNA tested 100% Havanese. She loves to run and play in the backyard with the other dogs. She was born January 16th 2022. Vesta belongs to Kelly.
Fabulous Freya
Freya is 100% Havanese, DNA tested through Embark and has no known genetic health risks. Her birthday is January 16, 2022. She is CKC registered and weighs 9 pounds. She is a sucker for a good belly rub. She lives with Kelly.
General Lies Chaos
General is a 100% Havanese male. Despite his white coat, he is considered a chocolate Havanese. His color determination is because of his brown nose and the brown circles around his eyes, called halos. General is a sweet, gentle, and calm dog.
He was born in July 2022 and weighs 10 pounds. He lives with Kelly.
Poodles are known to be some of the most obedient and trainable dogs around.
They are intelligent, watchful and naturally good-natured dogs.
Elegant – Proud – Clever
Fierte’s Red Hot Addison
Addy is a 8 lb AKC and CKC registered DNA tested 99% poodle. She is extremely sweet and would love nothing more than to spend the whole day in my lap. She was born July 22nd 2019. Addy lives with Kelly.
Miss Sketo Petite Joie
She is a red Toy Poodle, born May 2020. Sketo has been DNA tested through Embark and is 100% poodle; she has no known health problems. She is AKC and CKC registered. Sketo is social and loves to play. She lives with my daughter Kelly.
Miss Tea Petite Joie
Born March 23, 2023 Miss Tea is a chocolate phantom, 7 pound Toy Poodle. She was born here from Miss Treat and Sir Rocco. She is sweet and playful with a quick wit who loves to play prank on her friends. Tea is CKC registered.
She is DNA testing and has no known gentic problems, she is 100% pure Poodle.
Miss Andry Petite Joie
Born May 20, 2018 and weight in at 7 pounds, Miss Andry is sable cream bundle of love. She is very social and loves to entertain people by walking on her hind legs.
She is AKC and CKC registered. She is DNA tested through Embark, Andry is !00% healthy Poodle.
Miss Fire Petite Joie
Born July 22, 2019 and weights 12 pounds. She is AKC and CKC registered. She likes car rides, belly rubs and running in the back yard.
Miss Fire had had DNA Genetic testing done through Embark, she is 100% pure Poodle.
Miss Red Petite Joie
Red was born here January 2020, her mom is Miss Treat and grandma is Miss Defy. She is 5 to 6 pounds of love. She LOVES all people, all the time. Red is a smart poodle who usually gets her own way. She is AKC and CKC registered.
She had had DNA Genetic testing done through Embark, she is a pure Poodle with no genetic health risks.​
Fierte et Joie “Sir Rocco”
Is a 6 pound merle Toy Poodle. Born 09/03/20, he is DNA tested through Wisdom Panel and is clear of all known genetic health problems. Rocco is 95% pure Poodle, he is a playful, sweet clown. He is CKC registered. Sir Rocco is a shared dog and lives with my sister.
Fierte et Joie “Sir Tenley Awesome”
Is a 6 pound apricot Toy Poodle. Born 08/2/19, he is DNA tested through Wisdom Panel and is clear of all known genetic health problems. He is AKC and CKC registered. Tenley loves to play fetch and hide his ball when he gets tired.
The Maltese is an ancient variety of dwarf canine from Italy. They are thought to be the ancestors of Bichon, Bolognese and Havanese breeds though there’s insufficient proof. They have feather soft hair that does not shed. They are gentle, quiet and trusting companions.
Sir Gent Petite Joie
Sir Gent was born May 2022. He is 7 pounds and 100% Maltese, DNA tested through Wisdom Panel. He’s a sweet gentleman and adores being near his people. His tongue sticks out of his mouth more often than it stays in, which keeps getting him kicked out of medical school. He is CKC and AKC registered. He lives with Kelly.
Coton de Tulear
A Coton de Tulear, a rare breed developed on the island of Madagascar and is still the island’s national dog. The Coton de Tuléar is a calm small dog.
This breed has very low allergic affects, and are considered hypoallergenic. The coats are very soft, comparable to a cotton ball, a prominent black nose, large expressive eyes (usually covered by bangs) and somewhat short puffy legs.
The Coton de Tulear is a professional performer, and it is common that it will walk on its hind legs and perform tricks to impress its owner. You’ll never have a dull moment with such a companion.
Sir Fur Dude Petite Joie
Born July 22, 2019 Fur is 16 pounds of fluff. He enjoys snuffle kisses, chewing on boogie boards and Hawaiian shirts. Sir Fur want to learn to play the ukulele when he grows up.
He is AKC and CKC registered. DNA tested through Embark and is 100% Coton de Tulear, he has no know genetic health risks.
​Miss Ally Petite Joie
is a Coton de Tulear, born October 11,2020 , she is 11 pounds, and is AKC and CKC registered. She loves human company. This charming, gentle dog is naturally sociable. Miss Ally has been DNA tested through Wisdom Panel, she has no known genetic health problems.
Shih Tzu
Shih Tzus are short with squat noses and an overbite. They have soft, straight hair and a tail that lops over their backs. Calm, sweet, and gentle, but independent, they prefer to be beside their human rather than on top of them. They will sit and watch the world go by and have strong opinions expressed in grunts and snorts.
is a liver Imperial Shih Tzu with a brown button nose and expressive eyes. She was born in September 2020. She loves car rides and playing with her toys. She is AKC and CKC registered. She is 7 pounds. She lives with Alesha.
Professor Pomona Sprout
Sprout is 7 pounds of spunk. She was born on May 21, 2022. She is 100% Shih Tzu with soft red hair and a stubborn streak. Wonderfully loving to who she deems worthy, she will show her displeasure with snorts and sour looks. Sprout is CKC registered and lives with Kelly.